기사 메일전송
Digital Transformation’s Next Era: Generative AI and Laserfiche 12 at 2024 Empower Conference
  • 편집국
  • 등록 2024-04-27 11:31:23


Preparing organizations for the next AI-driven phase of digital transformation is on the agenda at the 2024 Empower conference, hosted by Laserfiche (https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.laserfiche.com%2F%3Futm_source%3Dprnewswire%26utm_medium%3Dpr%26utm_content%3Dempower-2024-press-release%26utm_campaign%3Dlaserfiche-empower&esheet=53946074&newsitemid=20240425865100&lan=en-US&anchor=Laserfiche&index=1&md5=1e27e7f5a99faa0d909bb069a3cf5070) — the leading SaaS provider of intelligent content management and business process automation — in Las Vegas through April 25. Laserfiche shines a spotlight on solutions that reduce complexity and accelerate information flow across the enterprise to help organizations manage increasing amounts of data.

Empower attendees got an early look at the latest Laserfiche AI features, including Laserfiche AI Document Summarization. The new offering, powered by generative AI, eliminates tedious sifting through documents by generating concise summaries of documents containing either text or transcribed audio. Laserfiche AI Document Summarization, which represents one milestone in the Laserfiche AI vision to transform the workplace, will be available in the upcoming Laserfiche Cloud release on April 30, 2024.

“At Laserfiche, we believe AI will impact productivity for many knowledge workers, but organizations need to go beyond this and apply AI at scale to be truly transformative,” said Michael Allen, CTO of Laserfiche. “To help organizations harness AI at scale, Laserfiche will release additional generative AI capabilities in the coming months that provide insights into document collections, allowing users to interactively query documents and extract knowledge using a natural language interface.”

Attendees also received a sneak peek of Laserfiche 12, the newest version of self-hosted Laserfiche, which will be available to customers in November 2024. The latest update includes powerful new features and administrative tools that make it easier for Laserfiche administrators to oversee and manage their Laserfiche ecosystems, including:

· A new metadata template designer, which allows users to quickly build custom forms without code

· Laserfiche Forms processes test mode, that enables automated deployment of packaged solutions

· Updates to enterprise identity management tools to strengthen information governance

· A new look-and-feel to enhance usability, featuring a clearer user interface to interact with repositories and business processes.

“We’re thrilled to bring this significant update to our self-hosted customers,” said Justin Pava, director, product management at Laserfiche. “Laserfiche 12 will empower more customers to create intuitive and powerful end-to-end solutions that deliver business value faster than ever.”

To empower customers to realize their future cloud migration plans, Laserfiche introduced the Laserfiche Cloud Migration Readiness Assessment Tool (https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.laserfiche.com%2Fproducts%2Fmigration-tools%2F%3Futm_source%3Dprnewswire%26utm_medium%3Dpr%26utm_content%3Dempower-2024-press-release%26utm_campaign%3Dlaserfiche-empower&esheet=53946074&newsitemid=20240425865100&lan=en-US&anchor=Laserfiche+Cloud+Migration+Readiness+Assessment+Tool&index=2&md5=78613a5506473bd2cdac16fa93fd60d7). Attendees were able to preview the Assessment Tool, with expected availability in late May 2024. The Assessment Tool reduces time-consuming, manual audits of Forms Processes and Workflows previously needed to migrate from self-hosted Laserfiche to Laserfiche Cloud. Assessments are produced as easy-to-read reports that can be shared with project stakeholders to accelerate migration planning and reduce service costs related to the migration process.

The general session also included a keynote presentation from business-centric technology leader Michael Keithley, who discussed the transformative impact of generative AI on the workplace. Finally, Laserfiche celebrated the 2024 Run Smarter Award winners (https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.laserfiche.com%2Fresources%2Fblog%2Fcongratulations-to-the-laserfiche-run-smarter-award-winners%2F%3Futm_source%3Dprnewswire%26utm_medium%3Dpr%26utm_content%3Dempower-2024-press-release%26utm_campaign%3Dlaserfiche-empower&esheet=53946074&newsitemid=20240425865100&lan=en-US&anchor=2024+Run+Smarter+Award+winners&index=3&md5=f67a8d27d0b3afd46b3dd01e5ecad927), representing organizations around the world that are using Laserfiche to improve productivity, build innovative processes and achieve exceptional business results.

Laserfiche Empower 2024 featured over 100 sessions, hands-on labs and workshops focused on digital transformation, and empowering attendees to use Laserfiche to work smarter. Attendees also enjoyed networking opportunities, user groups, interfacing with the Laserfiche development team and first-look demonstrations.

To learn more about Laserfiche Empower or to register for Empower 2025, visit empower.laserfiche.com (https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fempower.laserfiche.com%2Fevent%2Fe16e7ff2-5cb3-43fa-8b42-c0067e99d055%2Fsummary%3Futm_source%3Dprnewswire%26utm_medium%3Dpr%26utm_content%3Dempower-2024-press-release%26utm_campaign%3Dlaserfiche-empower&esheet=53946074&newsitemid=20240425865100&lan=en-US&anchor=empower.laserfiche.com&index=4&md5=0d2905ed733a6d3801245b2eb329dfdc).

About Laserfiche

Laserfiche is the leading SaaS provider of intelligent content management and business process automation. Through powerful workflows, electronic forms, document management and analytics, the Laserfiche® platform accelerates how business gets done, enabling leaders to focus on growth across the enterprise.

Laserfiche pioneered the paperless office with enterprise content management. Today, Laserfiche’s cloud-first development approach incorporates innovations in machine learning and AI to enable organizations in more than 80 countries to transform into digital businesses. Customers in every industry — including government, education, financial services, healthcare and manufacturing — use Laserfiche to boost productivity, scale their business and deliver digital-first customer experiences.

Laserfiche employees in offices around the world are committed to the company’s vision of empowering customers and inspiring people to reimagine how technology can transform lives.

Connect with Laserfiche:

Laserfiche Blog | Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240425865100/en/

언론연락처: Laserfiche Director, Communications Linda Domingo 562-988-1688 ext. 234

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