기사 메일전송
Uncover Hong Kong’s Heritage This May with Cultural Festivals and All-New Pyro & Drone Shows
  • 편집국
  • 등록 2024-04-27 11:31:33


Photo credit: Hong Kong Tourism Board

As the weather heats up this May, so does Hong Kong’s calendar of world-class cultural happenings. International visitors are invited to join in the diverse array of vibrant cultural festivities taking place around the city, including the debut of spectacular new pyrotechnic and drone shows, offering guests the chance to experience Hong Kong from a different perspective.

Highlighting four unmissable cultural experiences suitable for the whole family, Hong Kong promises an unforgettable journey into its rich heritage:

Cheung Chau Bun Festival: Where Tradition Meets Vibrancy

(To view the table, please visit https://bwnews.pr/4b3FmHq)

Tin Hau Festival: An Ode to the Sea

(To view the table, please visit https://bwnews.pr/4b3FmHq)

Buddha’s Birthday: A Day of Enlightenment

(To view the table, please visit https://bwnews.pr/4b3FmHq)

Tam Kung Festival: Prayers for Safety and Favourable Weather

(To view the table, please visit https://bwnews.pr/4b3FmHq)

In addition to the traditional rituals and celebrations that take place during the aforementioned festivals, there is an exciting new addition that should not be missed.

Elevating Festivals: The Thrilling Drone and Pyro Show at Victoria Harbour

Officially starting on 1 May at Victoria Harbour, a captivating Pyrotechnic Display will kick off to welcome the month of cultural celebrations. This spectacular show promises to dazzle spectators with its innovative use of pyrotechnics. Notably, on 11 May, just a couple of days before the Cheung Chau Bun Festival, Buddha’s Birthday, and the Tam Kung Festival, the newly curated drone show will be launched over Victoria Harbour, adding an extra layer of enchantment to the festivities that resonate throughout the city. Make sure to witness these awe-inspiring displays that are poised to elevate the overall appeal of the celebrations, complemented by Hong Kong’s breathtaking skyline as a captivating backdrop.

Travellers looking to immerse themselves in the richness of Chinese heritage and culture should book their trip to Hong Kong for May to experience this extraordinary and unmissable season of celebration.

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View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240425356858/en/

언론연락처: Hong Kong Tourism Board Ms Natalie Chan

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