기사 메일전송
Uzbekinvest Acquires Risk and Capital Modelling Capabilities From Ultimate Risk Solutions Which Helped Them Attain Stable AM Best Rating
  • 편집국
  • 등록 2024-08-05 22:00:51
  • 수정 2024-08-05 22:06:56


Uzbekinvest acquires risk and capital modelling capabilities from Ultimate Risk Solutions (URS) which helped them attain stable AM Best rating (Graphic: Business Wire)

Ultimate Risk Solutions (“URS”) is proud to announce its important contribution into assisting Uzbekinvest Export-Import Insurance Company of Uzbekistan (“Uzbekinvest”) in attaining their stable AM Best credit rating. Through the development of advanced risk models of Uzbekinvest’s insurance and reinsurance lines of business, including catastrophe risk, URS has contributed significantly to this achievement.

AM Best, a global credit rating agency specializing in the insurance industry, has revised the outlook for Uzbekinvest from negative to stable. The Financial Strength Rating remains at B (Fair), and the Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating at “bb” (Fair). This positive shift reflects Uzbekinvest’s enhanced risk-adjusted capitalization, in part attributed to the sophisticated risk modelling and probable maximum loss estimation facilitated by URS.

URS’s expertise in risk analysis and modelling has been instrumental in this process, showcasing the company’s commitment to delivering tailored risk solutions that enhance the financial stability and performance of its clients.

“Our company, which is the largest insurance and reinsurance provider in Uzbekistan, has made significant advances in the international markets, and is striving to become a global player closely working with AM Best during the process. Risk and capital modelling capabilities offered by URS technologies allow us to keep an eye on the solvency and stability of our global risk portfolio as it continues to grow,” said Rustam Azimov, General Director of Uzbekinvest.

“We are delighted to have supported Uzbekinvest in their journey towards improved financial strength and stability,” said Alex Bushel, Founder and CEO at Ultimate Risk Solutions. “Our team’s dedication to developing sophisticated and comprehensive risk models underscores our mission to empower our clients with the tools necessary for effective risk management and sustainable growth.”

This collaboration marks a significant milestone for both Uzbekinvest and URS, highlighting the importance of innovative risk management strategies in the insurance sector. As URS continues to pioneer in risk modelling and analysis, it remains committed to helping its clients navigate the complexities of risk with confidence and precision.

About Uzbekinvest:

Uzbekinvest Export-Import Insurance Company JSC is a prominent insurance and reinsurance provider in Uzbekistan and globally. The company is committed to offering reliable and comprehensive insurance and reinsurance solutions to its clients, backed by leading modern technologies and a team of dedicated professionals. This company manages total assets valued at USD 164 million and maintains substantial reserves amounting more than USD 106 million, indicating strong financial stability and capacity to cover potential liabilities. Uzbekinvest boasts a robust global footprint, handling risks from 132 countries. It maintains strong partnerships with major reinsurance companies such as Munich Re, Swiss Re, Allianz, Zurich Insurance Company and collaborates with top-tier broking firms including AON, Willis, Marsh, Guy Carpenter, Howden and others to enhance its market reach and service capabilities.

About Ultimate Risk Solutions:

Ultimate Risk Solutions (URS) is a leading provider of risk modelling and analysis technologies and services, offering advanced solutions for insurance companies and financial institutions globally. With a focus on innovation and precision, URS delivers technologies that help clients enhance their risk management practices and achieve their strategic objectives.

Link to AM Best press release regarding revised Uzbekinvest rating outlook: https://tinyurl.com/23pcdbck

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240730430996/en/

언론연락처: Ultimate Risk Solutions Sasha Kuznetsov Marketing and Communications Lead

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