기사 메일전송
VeriSilicon and Innobase Jointly Launch a 5G RedCap/4G LTE Dual-Mode Modem Solution
  • 편집국
  • 등록 2024-02-07 18:23:01

  • Providing comprehensive and efficient solutions for mid-to-high-speed IoT applications

VeriSilicon (688521.SH) today announced that it has collaborated with Innobase, a wireless communication technology and chip provider, to jointly launch a 5G RedCap/4G LTE dual-mode modem solution. The chip powering this new modem solution by Innobase has been taped out and verified, and is now in mass production and will be officially released to the global market soon.

5G Reduced Capability (RedCap) is an IoT-serving cellular technology defined by international standardization organization 3GPP in 5G Release 17. It is aimed at mid-to-high speed IoT application scenarios, and together with 4G LTE forms a complete cellular IoT ecosystem.

The joint launch of the modem solution comes as part of a strategic partnership between VeriSilicon and Innobase that will allow VeriSilicon to further expand its portfolio of wireless communication IPs and offer customers both 4G and 5G modem IP solutions. The two parties will also provide customers with a series of complete user equipment (UE) reference designs, covering critical components such as radio frequency (RF) transceivers and power management chipsets.

Lu Wenbo, Senior Vice President of Innobase, said, “We are delighted to collaborate with VeriSilicon to fully leverage Innobase’s Yunbao Modem and VeriSilicon’s wireless connectivity technology. This allows us to offer our customers leading IoT communication connectivity solutions. We have developed the world’s first commercially available IP that meets the 5G RedCap/4G LTE dual-mode communication standards, and completed chip verification for mass production. It supports data and voice services of various application scenarios including RedCap communication modules, affordable 5G smart phones, wearables, Internet-connected smart vehicles, industrial IoT, video surveillance, and smart grids.”

“4G and 5G technologies are the mainstream mobile communication standards with long lifecycles and extensive application scenarios. Innobase has pioneered the launch and successful mass production of a 5G RedCap/4G LTE dual-mode modem chip, which demonstrates Innobase’s robust R&D and product commercialization capabilities,” said Wiseway Wang, Senior Vice President, General Manager of Custom Silicon Platform Division of VeriSilicon. “VeriSilicon is dedicated to the development and industrialization of low-power, high-performance IoT wireless communication technologies. Based on VeriSilicon’s accumulated expertise in RF technologies and proprietary ZSP Digital Signal Processor (DSP) IPs, we have developed comprehensive wireless communication solutions that incorporate RF IPs, baseband IPs and software protocol stacks. By leveraging the advantages of advanced 22nm FD-SOI process in terms of low power consumption and high RF performance, we can deliver all-in-one wireless system designs, supporting diverse technical standards and applications such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, cellular IoT, and multi-mode satellite navigation and positioning. These solutions have been integrated into multiple customer SoCs with mass production.”

About Innobase

Innobase is a leading fabless chip design company for cellular mobile communications. It designs chipset of 4G/5G and future 6G, including Baseband, RF, and PMIC for mobile terminals. Its dual mode chipset of 4G LTE/5G RedCap is commercialized with customers including telecom operators, IoT module makers, and mobile phone IDHs/ODMs. For more information, please visit: www.innobase.com.cn

About VeriSilicon

VeriSilicon is committed to providing customers with platform-based, all-around, one-stop custom silicon services and semiconductor IP licensing services leveraging its in-house semiconductor IP. For more information, please visit: www.verisilicon.com

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240206309342/en/

언론연락처: VeriSilicon

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