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Laserfiche Channel Leadership Recognized by 2024 CRN® Channel Chiefs List
  • 편집국
  • 등록 2024-02-07 18:23:01

  • Taylor Grosso, Charles Suzara and Vicki VanValin honored for driving strategies and partnerships to drive the Laserfiche Solution Provider Program forward.

Laserfiche (https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.laserfiche.com%2F%3Futm_source%3Dprnewswire%26utm_medium%3Dpr%26utm_campaign%3Dcrn&esheet=53892657&newsitemid=20240206729035&lan=en-US&anchor=Laserfiche&index=1&md5=d33054ecd25e81f5494a693b033ed80d) — the leading SaaS provider of intelligent content management and business process automation — today announced that CRN (https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.crn.com%2F&esheet=53892657&newsitemid=20240206729035&lan=en-US&anchor=CRN&index=2&md5=1ddbf90450d1474cdf404c6f129e9c42)®, a brand of The Channel Company (https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thechannelco.com%2F&esheet=53892657&newsitemid=20240206729035&lan=en-US&anchor=The+Channel+Company&index=3&md5=8ffec2ebf9a22c11b098188bb2ec7139), named three Laserfiche channel leaders to its 2024 Channel Chiefs list: Taylor Grosso, senior director of Global Channels and Alliances, Charles Suzara, associate director - west, and Vicki VanValin, vice president of sales. The prestigious CRN Channel Chiefs list, released annually, recognizes IT vendor and distribution executives who are driving strategy and setting the channel agenda for their companies.

“The IT channel has had to navigate incredible change in recent years — from economic uncertainty to the acceleration of digital transformation and rise of generative AI,” said Laserfiche CEO Karl Chan. “Laserfiche’s channel leadership has risen to the challenge of supporting our partners and empowering them to embrace these changes proactively. Taylor, Charles and Vicki are providing the channel with strategies, resources and programs that enable our partners to capture new business opportunities, solve customer problems and grow their revenue streams.”

Grosso manages Laserfiche’s global channel sales team, focusing on channel growth and providing solution providers with the necessary support to develop, manage and maximize sales opportunities. He has developed a sales model that emphasizes relevant and timely educational opportunities, training and support for channel partners.

Suzara is responsible for a team of channel managers covering 25 states, representing a diverse range of channel partners and industries served. As Laserfiche expands its footprint in the enterprise space, Suzara has been instrumental in working with channel partners to approach larger organizations with more complex needs, while still supporting some of the company’s newest partners in getting up and running quickly.

VanValin joined Laserfiche in 2023, bringing 25 years of experience in sales leadership and business development for global technology companies. During her time at Laserfiche, she has driven key changes to the company’s channel program in response to changing market needs, to set channel partners up for sustainable success. Under her leadership, Laserfiche is modernizing its channel partner program while building a thriving channel partner ecosystem that provides expanded resources and capabilities, enhances customer loyalty and encourages innovation.

“These channel evangelists are dedicated to supporting solution providers and achieving growth by implementing robust partner programs and unique business strategies,” said Jennifer Follett, VP, US Content, and executive editor, CRN, at The Channel Company. “Their efforts are instrumental in helping partners bring essential solutions to market. The Channel Company is pleased to acknowledge these prominent channel leaders and looks forward to chronicling their achievements throughout the year.”

The Channel Chiefs list showcases the top leaders throughout the IT channel ecosystem who work tirelessly to ensure mutual success with their partners and customers.

CRN’s 2024 Channel Chiefs list will be featured in the February 2024 issue of CRN® Magazine and online at www.CRN.com/ChannelChiefs.

To learn more about the Laserfiche Solution Provider Program, visit laserfiche.com/partners/solution-provider-program/ (https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.laserfiche.com%2Fpartners%2Fsolution-provider-program%2F%3Futm_source%3Dprnewswire%26utm_medium%3Dpr%26utm_campaign%3Dcrn&esheet=53892657&newsitemid=20240206729035&lan=en-US&anchor=laserfiche.com%2Fpartners%2Fsolution-provider-program%2F&index=5&md5=c80b90ca11ff8aa87eae8f24b2beeea9).

About Laserfiche

Laserfiche is the leading SaaS provider of intelligent content management and business process automation. Through powerful workflows, electronic forms, document management and analytics, the Laserfiche® platform accelerates how business gets done, enabling leaders to focus on growth across the enterprise.

Laserfiche pioneered the paperless office with enterprise content management. Today, Laserfiche’s cloud-first development approach incorporates innovations in machine learning and AI to enable organizations in more than 80 countries to transform into digital businesses. Customers in every industry — including government, education, financial services, healthcare and manufacturing — use Laserfiche to boost productivity, scale their business and deliver digital-first customer experiences.

Laserfiche employees in offices around the world are committed to the company’s vision of empowering customers and inspiring people to reimagine how technology can transform lives.

Connect with Laserfiche:

Laserfiche Blog | Twitter/X | LinkedIn | Facebook

About The Channel Company

The Channel Company enables breakthrough IT channel performance with our dominant media, engaging events, expert consulting and education, and innovative marketing services and platforms. As the channel catalyst, we connect and empower technology suppliers, solution providers and end users. Backed by more than 40 years of unequalled channel experience, we draw from our deep knowledge to envision innovative new solutions for ever-evolving challenges in the technology marketplace. http://www.thechannelcompany.com/

Follow The Channel Company: Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

© 2024. CRN is a registered trademark of The Channel Company, LLC. All rights reserved.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240206729035/en/

언론연락처: Laserfiche Media Contact Linda Domingo Director, Public Relations 562-988-1688 ext. 234 The Channel Company Contact Natalie Lewis

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